HCMWorks Insights

Your Guide to Skills Shortage Solutions

Written by HCM Works | 2 Dec 2015


Skilled employees are the lifeblood of a company. However, when there is a skills shortage, it is not enough to fill your ranks with employees unsuitable for the jobs you need them to complete. There are several new ways to meet the needs of the company, however. The basic idea behind many of them is changing the way recruiters search for skilled workers, including looking into a contingent workforce, hiring internationally, or reaching out to others in the field. Freelancers can complete many tasks, and international hiring is on the rise as many countries simply have more work available than others. As well, creating a pool of skilled workers shared between companies is a great way to find new hires and share risk.

The Contingent Workforce

More and more people are choosing to lose the nine to five work schedule. Whether it is in the quest for a better balance between work and life, or simply wishing to simplify, there is an ever-growing market of freelance professionals waiting to hear from companies suffering from a skills shortage. Although there are some complications inherent in hiring contingent workers, such as keeping in touch and managing who is working on what, they often come with a suite of unique skills and benefits. Being able to synergize between freelancers and in-house workers will allow for a smooth flow between the two groups.

It can be difficult to manage a large contingent workforce. Consider implementing a total workforce management solution to simplify and streamline the management process and also ensure proper classification and compliance.

The International Workforce

Sometimes the easiest way to find skilled workers is to recruit from another country. Although this practice has been going on for some time, the internet makes it easier than ever to get in touch with skilled workers that are looking to work in a foreign land. The reasons for this choice are many, most often there is little work in their field at home, but some people simply want to travel and feel that a “working vacation” is their best option. When looking abroad to soothe your skills shortage, it is important to keep in mind that international standards sometimes vary. A very qualified worker from one country may not have the appropriate skills a local worker may have. The opposite of this is also true, some professionals may be overqualified for the position you need to fill and as such may expect special compensation for their work.

Combining Resources

A last option in combatting a skills shortage is to consider sharing employees with other companies. Although not a common tactic, it can work in favor for both the worker and employer. In some cases a worker is skilled in a very specific task, and although there is a general lack of such workers, there may not be all that much work available for them. Sharing time among different companies will allow the worker to work more hours, and the companies are able to complete their projects in a timely manner. On the other hand, scheduling conflicts between major organizations can make this sharing system difficult to implement, but chances are there is a way to make it work and reap the benefits.

Solutions Are Out There

Although a skills shortage seems like a death knell, when cooler heads prevail solutions will arise. Being creative about sourcing talent makes a big difference in the type of workers they find and the possibilities that present themselves. A small change in the way a company finds employees can make a big difference in how the company moves forward and influences how they adapt to the changing job market and international business scene.